Loved this game, it takes best things out of previous 2 games and molds them into an impressive end of the series.

User Rating: 8.5 | Dead Space 3 PC
I loved this game. Its action packed, great graphics, plenty of tension. I know some people are saying that it's not as scary as the other 2. Personally I never found Dead Space games scary but tense. And this last installment had me tense entire time (i strongly advise you to play on highest possible difficulty (hard or insane) with lights off). I like the changes they made with weapons, upgrades, how you get to build your own weapons - the new system is much better then original 2 games I think. Pretty much loved everything about this game and don't agree with most complains I've heard about the dull story. Haven't played coop yet but I think it would be great. Also I read somewhere that PC version is a bad port - I reassure you it's not - it runs smoother then the other 2 games, absolutely no complains in this department. I was running the game on high settings and had no lag, glitches or any of that sort of stuff. I strongly recommend you this game if you enjoyed previous 2.