This prequel for Wii is just as good as the original. Also its a rail shooter! (That's not a bad thing)
This game is a prequel to the original, and it is great.
STORY: You follow a rag tag group of survivors trying to escape the infected mining planet. Now the thing that really pulls you into the story is the fact that it is a death march (this may be heard in a plenty of video reviews). All the people in the story will die and you don't know if your character will die now or later.
GAMEPLAY: This game is a rail shooter. I wouldn't play it any other way. This holds you close to the story and makes this game hard. At times this game is BRUTAL! The dismemberment is still here and its great. There are also branching pathways which mixes up the gameplay. They are also a group of tough challenge maps, that become unlocked after you beat the game.
PRESENTATION: The graphics are beautiful. There is so much detail and so little crap.
This game does have the thrills and chills from the first game, but not as in your face. The story will definitly pull you in and you will want even more. This is a definite buy.