One of the best Wii's games I ever played.
Ok lest be straight I was one of the first persons who were thinking about how I rail shooter could Kill dead space series, but when I first started the game something was just absorbing me into more.
Dead Space Extraction is for sure one of the best wii games out there, from the moment you start playing and get to know the story of the game something get to attach you to your sit. About the Characters they are very charismatic and they have too a intriguing background specially Lexine but that's logic cause the whole game is move around her strange ability to resist the powers of the Marker (some kind of wave emitting stone that can get anyone mad, except for Lexine of course), but the Lexine character can get you mad sometimes with the classic lest save everyone line.
About the Necroforms well they are as disgusting as always and can really frustrated you when they appear in hordes but don't lose all hope there's when Stasis come in handy, and we ain't talking about the pills here, stasis is a very useful ability that let you slow down Necroforms movement so that you can have a better aim to their limbs and get rid of them. About weapons there are a lot of them some a little bit useless I may say but others like the Pulse Rifle can hold back some nasty necroformed humans.
Of course the game have its mistakes sometimes when playing Co-op the sight can get a little bit confusing cousing to lose a lot of life in the necroforms are in a bad mood, there is too the fact than getting items could be difficult sometime cause they give you a very short time to get them with your Kinesis and to end with the errors there is that the time when you are free to move your sight on your own is very short
In overall the game is great, I really love it and really enjoyed to kick some necroforms asses, But in the end I really would like a FPS than a rail shooter.
Graphics--------- 8.5/10