Ignition is another look at the expanded Dead Space universe. That's cool, but it doesn't mean it's good.

User Rating: 4.5 | Dead Space Ignition PS3
Dead Space: Ignition is a prequel to Dead Space 2. Like Dead Rising 2: Case Zero it's a release that is meant to hype people for the real game. If you pre-ordered Dead Space 2 (like I did) you get the game for free. It's $5 if you don't. However it's not worth $5 unless you have extra cash and nothing to spend it on. Now storyline wise the game takes place only hours before the events of Dead Space 2. The game mostly follows the story of Franco and Sarah, who try to survive the initial Necromorph outbreak on The Sprawl. I can't explain the storyline much better than that because it's a "Choose Your Adventure" story with multiple pathways. However there's only one ending unlike the four that was advertised. I think that's a good thing however. The story is interesting and you'll wanna know if they survive or not. While interesting, the art isn't so great. However do to it being a motion comic, you can't really pick on it that much. The "game-play" is almost non-existent. It's 3 mini-games and none of them are at all entertaining. There's a tower offense game where you spam attackers till you win. There's a puzzle game where you direct laser on a circuit board. Try not to be bored. Then there's a racing game where there's really nothing good or bad to say. However none of these make you wanna play the game, the story does. However you can unlock all the cut-scenes before you play. Since you can easily follow the story without playing it's worth it. However the big selling point was the new suit for Isaac Clarke in Dead Space 2. It's been confirmed by the Dead Space team that you only need to complete the first hack and save your progress for the suit. The sound in the game isn't as good as the other Dead Space games either, however that's as expected since it's an arcade game. I'm not disappointed with the game however, as I didn't expect much from it anyway. Ignition is another look at the expanded Dead Space universe. That's cool, but it doesn't mean it's good. It's really only worth getting if you pre-ordered Dead Space 2.