Ok, to begin I got this game for free by pre-ordering Dead Space 2. This isn't really a game so much as it is an interactive comic, the puzzles are just filler in between actual story, which honestly wasn't much of a story at all. The game plays out like the six comics put out before release of the first game, only these are highlighted with small mini games. The only thing I got out of this was the ending. In terms of this game being free, the suit add on (which I didn't really care for) that Isaac gains in Dead Space 2 and the ending which sets up for Dead Space 2, Dead Space Ignition is a decent play through just to hold you over until Dead Space 2. Other than that I really can't agree with spending 5$ to purchase but if you've pre-ordered Dead Space 2 it's an ok way to pass an afternoon until Jan 25th. After that you probably won't ever think about it again.
SCORE: 3.5/10.0 Pros: +Clean presentation +Some extras for Dead Space 2 Cons: -A glorified collection of minigames, of which there are only three -Sloppy animation -Dull story for the most part -Incredibly sh... Read Full Review
Dead Space Ignition is a decent story that conceals a poor collection of mini-games. The aforementioned story details the happenings between Dead Space and the much anticipated sequel. You step into the shoes of Franco D... Read Full Review