This DLC is not worth it. Even for a hardcore Dead Space fan such as me
STORY: To be honest, I didn't beat the game. I just had it for the hacker suit in Dead Space 2. Its something along the lines of a motion comic describing the events of the Sprawl being infected and your two tech support people. Imagine the Geek Squad from Best Buy trapped on the ship from Alien. The conversations are lame and the story sometimes holds your interest, but is destroyed by the "puzzles"
GAMEPLAY: The only gameplay are puzzles, awkwsrdly hard. They try to present themselves as tid bits to entertain, but they only frustrate. Some puzzles have no logic and you simply hit X or B until you win.
PRESENTATION: Looks like crap, I've seen some motion comics and I gotta say this is a really bad one. The have simple lines and horrible animation. As and Art student I can tell this apart and it looks trashy.
Not worth a buy. Luckily I got it for free so I didn't have to buy it. I'm just warning all of you to stay away sadly.