As generic as a Steven Segal film, but doesn't stop it being fun.
Since then, though, the other games that have spawned have been as borderline generic as they come: big, tough, jack and his mean dog go vigilante and kill lots of things in very linear games -with slo-mo.
So on to this game. Well, it's good, but it still isn't up to the variety of the first game (which i don't understand why you would get rid of a feature that made the original shine in the first place?)
This installment is actually a re envisoning of the first game -basically so they can do sequels, i guess. So you play as, Jack Slate: a bad-ass cop who plays by his own rules (sound original?) and sets out to save a load of hostages with his testosterone fueled, arms.
Overall, the story is as predictable as they come (i guessed the ending within 5 min) but the decent voice acting and the way it's made makes it pretty entertaining, none the less.
The gameplay once again takes a back seat for variety, and gives you lots and lots of shooting. There are some Shadow (your hound) missions that break up the gameplay, but overall it's all pretty much the same.
Graphics: Hmm, well im an easy pleaser for graphics (as i still live in the last-gen for graphics) but even i have to say there pretty ugly. Character models look great, it's just everything else...Greys and browns, with a blur effect to hide the crap backgrounds. 6
Sound: Good score, good voice acting; an overall winner. 8
Gameplay: I really wish they'd research the first game more and take all the good bits from it to give the new games some spice. Shoot, shoot, kill, sneak, shoot, shoot, kill, repeat. But having said that, while it is basic stuff, it does do it very well. 6.5
Sh*te box: Fairly poor visuals; short game overall; a few glitches; lacking variety; needs originality.
Value: Between 10-17 quid.
Overall: Like i say; they need to go back to the first game and see what they did so right with the first one -instead of going for this cliche' crap that every other game goes for. This series is worth more than that, and in the right hands come be made awesome.
As it stands, though: it's a fun, soild shooter, that's worth you time if your having a crap day at work.