Despite bad reviews, everything went better than expected! Not worth a full 60 bucks though. Full review inside.
"Dead To Rights: Retribution" is a surprise to me as a critic-critic (one who judges judgement), and over all gamer. I've heard many things such as; "It's not as good as the original", or "horrible, never touching again." I can't say for sure why these people thought this way, but I can say one thing. It was most certainly worth renting.
Notice how I said renting, not buying. That's mostly because it doesn't have much replay value after you beat it. I've completed it on both easy and medium (hard is just too tough), and it's quite a challenge on it's own.
Judging on it's uniqueness, I'll have to say it's well above others. I won't say anything to spoil the game, but I will say there are many twists and turns in the story, that keep you well on your feet. Also judging on it's uniqueness, what other game allows you to play as a dog and rip people's throat out? It's just that awesome.
But again, I'll point out it's negative reply value. You won't get much out of it, most likely just a few achievements that are secret. Speaking of achievements, this thing is chalk full of them. The game only takes about 2-3 days to complete, and in the first 48 hours I obtained a good 35 achievements. If you're an achievement junkie, I recommend renting this.
Final Statement:
A REALLY good RENTAL. Emphasize on the rental. I wouldn't pay $60 or $50 on a game that has no replay value, would you?
Final Ratings:
Story - 9.0
It's very emotion capturing, and keeps you on your toes.
Graphics - 8.0
I'll admit it's not the best I've seen, but I've seen a whole lot worse. Pretty good for a game in 09. (Not that it was too long ago...)
Dialogue - 8.5
The actors/actresses that made their voices heard in the game did quite the job. Everything was believable (as far as script goes, as in like they really meant what they were saying, and not just reading off a piece of paper.) and their emotions were very descriptive.
Reply Value - 4.0
Unless you REALLY like this game, or think the main character's voice is so sexy you need to pay $60 just to hear it over and over, I wouldn't pay full price for this. However, I will say, and fully enforce, that this is one of the best rentals I have ever picked up.
Final Judgement: 8.0/10.0
Loved it.