Although Dead to Rights Retribution feels extremely familiar, it's still a fun game... if you get it for cheap enough.
The First Dead to Rights was actually pretty revolutionary if you think about it. It was one of the first games to introduce playing as an animal and a human, and the fisticuffs were memorable. The problem with Dead to Rights Retribution is that same formula has now been used in many games, and is starting to feel a little stale. It's still fun to bite the enemies nads with Shadow, but even that loses its appeal before the game ends. The shooting is below par, but solid fighting keeps the game somewhat entertaining. The story is eh, and the characters are nothing special. Dead to Rights Retribution isn't an awful game, just one that is what it is.
Graphics: 6.5- It's an older game so I gave it a lil slack, but still nothing special here.
Gameplay:7- If the shooting mechanic was better, this would be an 8
Sound:7- sound effects are pretty generic, but it works
Story:3- it tries to be an adult themed story, but is more laughable than serious.