Meet Jack reading my review
Like I said meet Jack Slate a good cop caught in bad situation .I love the story as it you have probably heard that its a Max Payne rip off. They do have similarities but this story and everything else is very good. The disarms are BEAUTIFUL(did I spell that right). The problem is it gets to be like this run in a room kill the enemies and run in another room and do it again until you face the boss. Even so though the story to Dead to Rights is a real good story. It has many twist that aren't expeted and will keep you interested in finding out what happens. So that makes up for the repetitiveness..
Jack along with the other main characters look good but the rest could be better seeing as this is an xbox. If more time was put into in then the graphics would have been better. Trust me you have seen worse these are ok and its not to the point were it will distract you from the gameplay so its gets a solid 7.
The music to this game is pretty good although some people wont agree. I like the music in the game it goes well with its theme. Besides you wont really pay attention to them because you will be trying to stay alive.The voice acting is good especially by Jack but the other characters sound good in the cutscene's. Their voices suits their's chacracters. The sound of gunshots are real I like 'em.
This game only has one mode and its hard but its still fun.You can always go back and relive your favorite moments or go back and play the mini-games. Disarming someone never gets old and it always fun to watch and going back for some quick fun never hurts.
I had a great time playing this game even though its hard. At some times I got really pissed off but in the end I beat it. I like a game that gives me a challenge so long as I dont get really pissed adn break the game. This is a good game to play especially now that its worth $20.So I give it a 8/10