What a shooter!!!!
User Rating: 8.5 | Dead to Rights PS2
Unlike Max Payne, Dead to Rights uses an auto-targeting system. All you need to do is click a nearby keyboard button to target the nearest enemy. The gun sight will turn red if it's a near-automatic shot, yellow if it's an iffy shot, and green if it's a shot that won't hit the target. You can quickly cycle through targets by pressing the trigger repeatedly. And there will be plenty of enemies to target, so get used to the function. Unfortunately, the PC version uses the Right Shift key by default, which is a big drawback because you'll be using the WASD keys to move around. Since your right hand will be busy with the mouse, this is just impractical. You can remap everything, though, I bound auto-targeting to the right-click mouse button. DTR also supports a gamepad, which I highly recommend. Just make sure you have all your buttons just the way you like them, because you can't remap (or tweak videocard settings) while the game is running.
You can switch to manual targeting, but this is mainly when you want to fire at an object, like an oil drum. While it seems like auto-targeting makes for less of a challenge, it actually doesn't inhibit tough gameplay at all. In fact, the auto-targeting adds to the fun arcade feel of the game. And there are so many enemies, it would be impossible to take them all out manually targeting them.
Jack Slate has an adrenaline meter, which is used to let him block melee attacks and use his bullet-time dive. This meter refills automatically over time and honestly, you will only run out of adrenaline when you have to block a lot. You'll rarely (if ever) be at a loss for adrenaline. So what's the point of the meter if it's so readily available? Well, there's no point really. It's superficial and that's unfortunate, because there should be a limit to your slow-mo dives.