If you have an itchy trigger finger, Dead to Rights should keep it satisfied for a little while.

User Rating: 6.9 | Dead to Rights XBOX
Dead to Rights is a fairly generic game. For pretty much your entire eight to ten hours through the game, you will be shooting or beating thousands upon thousands of nameless thugs. It is a testament to the solid gun play in this game that simply shooting countless enemies manages to stay fun for most of that time. However, it is fun enough to make up for many of the weaknesses of the game. .

The presentation is the most obvious weakness of Dead to Rights, the characters look incredibly blocky and none of the levels look very interesting, the animations also look choppy. The dialogue of the enemies is silly and annoying and many of Jack Slate's sarcastic lines don't add much to the tension of the game. However, the weapons (especially the shotguns) sound excellent. Apart from the great weapon sounds, no aspect of the presentation draws you into the game. It is also worth noting that I played this game on the Xbox 360 and many of the cutscenes were missing sound, which didn't help. . As I said earlier, the gun play of Dead to Rights is excellent. Jack Slate has lots of different moves all of which are useful in many places. There are lots of weapons all of which are useful in some way and the game has a high enough level of challenge to force you to use all of your tools to survive. The developers put in a quite few mini games and brawling sequences to mix up the game, however, these are all quite a bit less fun than the shooting and you will hate having to play through them. Near the middle of the game, Dead to Rights falls into a rut. You simply run through one similar looking area after another shooting guys until you find a key and than move on to the next room. Even with the great core shooting action, this gets old after the first hour or two. .

Dead to Rights will only cost you about $4, and throughout its eight hour lifespan, it provides at least four hours of really fun, fresh, intense and violent shooting action. If that is all your looking for (it was all I was looking for and it was delivered), Dead to Rights is worth picking up. If you are looking for a game with engaging characters and surprises in the levels, you can do better than Dead to Rights.