Demo - Hands On
Except this time, it's not even entertaining.
In the demo, you get to try out a limited version of the finished product. And that's why I didn't buy this game (along with another reason, more about that later)
Deadhunt's gameplay is disastrous, and partially broken. You get to try out one level, along with some different game modes( or rather, challenges). You will run around, shoot "zombies" which are fast, and equipped with various weapons.
Sounds fun? It could have been, but instead it ended up as a bad run-and-gun esque game, where you run backwards, shoot, run forwards while reloading, and then repeat. This hardly any fun, especially when you realize that the enemy's hitting radius is flawed.
When the enemy initiates it's attack, you cannot dodge. Shooting the arm off the enemy doesn't work, running away doesn't work, and killing the enemy sometimes doesn't work either.
Adding this up with their incredibly slow attacking animations, and it feels like the developers are mocking you.
To "mix the fun up" several challenges are presents. In the same level. With the same enemy's. In one level, you will be using an shotgun, and using 'runes' to enchance your combat abilities.
Runes are like glowing stones that you can pick up. They can increase your healthbar, make you faster, restore your health, initiate slowmo', etc.
What feels akward about this game, is that the number you're allowed to pick up is limitied.
This seems unnecessary and "un-arcade-ish." It's not like the runes can make you overpowered, since they only last for some seconds,
The graphics in Deadhunt are bad, and the enemy's and environments doesn't seem to come from a game made in 2005. In fact, the only likeable graphics are the weapons, which honestly kicks ass.
The weapons sounds are pretty good, whilst the rest of the game's sounds seem poor. The music has less appeal than the sound of nails scratching a chalkboard, which doesn't get better by the fact that's it continuously loops.
And to top it off, the game promises several features not included in the demo, like more maps, weapons, enemy's, etc. One of the promised features it the ability to pick up runes from a distance, which you already can.
By downloading the demo, I had hoped for some classic gunning fun. Sadly, I was disappointed.
The execution of this game is horrible, and it feels pushed.
And if it were any good, I wouldn't have been able to buy it. The function of buying this online has been stopped, and it's only avaible in retail.
So if you want a game like Serious Sam, Painkiller, or anything that involves blasting countless zombies to pieces, you will be disappointed.