Great game for a great price!
User Rating: 8.5 | Deadliest Warrior: The Game X360
When I first heard about this game I was quite excited. I am a fan of the show and always thought a game would be amazing. Now for only $10 you can battle with and against some of the greatest warriors in history. In trailers and previews of the game they stressed the concept of "realistic" fighting. To the most part they have delivered. Thinking logically a game with completely realistic fighting would no be very fun and 90% of fights would be completely one sided. This game utilizes just enough realism (specifically with the concept of limb damage and critical hits) to make it exciting, quick, and fun. The customization is also very interesting and ads a subtle but appreciated feature. Through the customization you can change the armor (two for each warrior, second being unlockable) and the color, as well as their weapon load out. The information about the warriors, amours, and weapons are also appreciated and adds historical and informational value to the game. Being able to change weapons and using long distance weapons creates very intriguing and strategic fights. If they follow through with the promise of DLC, this game will be over the top. There are some bugs and glitches to be noted though. Such as lagging during fights when the action is intense, character swapping on the loading screen (I've noticed while playing as the ninja sometimes it will show an Apache with black war paint), and floating characters when you defeat the enemy and accidently walk on top of them. Another thing to be noted is the voice acting; it is very poorly done and sometimes gets down right annoying. So overall; for $10 you will experience a very unique, addictive game play with unforgettable moments of one hit kills and being able to dismember you opponents, a few minor flaws, and a cast of histories "Deadliest Warriors." I think its well worth it.