This has to be the strangest game I have ever played!
User Rating: 8 | Red Seeds Profile X360
Deadly Premonition is not like anything you have played before. You take the role as a FBI Detective coming to a small town to investigate a horrific murder. Along the way there are many twists and shocking things that happen. I don't want to ruin the story for anything so I will not get in to detail on it. The story is very good, one of the best I have played in a long time. The character development is very good and you feel connected to everyone. The main game play element to the game is going to a location and finding clues to help solve the case. These locations vary and some a very cool while others seem bland. At these locations you will encounter undead souls that you will have to fight your way through. As you play you will obtain money and items to use and weapons and such. Outside of this element to the game is a sandbox world. Between missions sometimes you are given free time. During this time you can drive anywhere in the town and do various things from side quests to explore and interacting with the towns folk. There are a bunch of cool little features added in. First off there are side missions that you can complete witch will gain you various rewards. They also play close attention to detail with your main character. In your room you stay in there is a area where you can shave. If you don't shave your characters facial hair slowly will start to grow. Also you can change suits and if you were one for a long time it will get dirty and bugs will fly around it. This game does have some problems. The controls for the car are a little stiff, some of the game can get repetitive, and the graphics can be weak at some moments. Overall this game should not technically be good. The game play aspects of it do have many problems, BUT the journey this game takes you on and all of the different things you get to experience and do during it make it a story that I will always remember and had a blast playing.