The Deadpool game completely fails to capture the true charm of DP, focusing only on the silly aspects of the character.

User Rating: 2.5 | Deadpool X360
I don't even know where to start.. Ok lets start at the best and move to the worst


Deadpool himself is rather good, they capture the silliness of the character rather well but even that is flawed since they completely ignore his serious side. The character portrayed in the game is just the silly jokester you see for most of the comics while ignoring the less common but just as vital moments of darkness (Deadpool is generally not a nice person, he is sadistic, cruel and extremely damaged.. that whole part of the character is completely missing behind the "lol guns and boobies")


Horrendous is the only word i can really use to describe the game-play of this game. From the bad animation work (Wall jumps tend to be particularly bad), horrible pointless button spamming to make something happen (Pumping up a bumpy castle) to repetitive, clunky and shallow combat.. There is just very little redeeming that can be said about this game. The devs answer to difficulty is to just pile more and more faceless dudes on you making the already unbelievable setting even worse and well.. Its just BAD. I wanted to stop playing about half way through the first level and it took considerable dedication to keep going.

-The setting

Now this is where the game completely **** up and goes from bad to awful and makes me think the devs simply don't know what DP is about. DEADPOOL'S CHARM DOES NOT COME FROM HIM BEING A SILLY MADMAN IN A CRAZY WORLD. (Written in caps to make sure you know i mean business). What makes DP awesome is that he is all that (While being crazy in a non funny way too) in a sane, serious world. All the funniest moments in the comics come from him dealing with completely serious believable characters that have serious story-lines and personalities. Its the contrast between the serious world and the madness of Deadpool that creates the real humor. Deadpool doing a Soryuuken on Kitty in front of Wolverine just to get him riled up remains one of my absolute favorite moments in comics and all of this is just lost in the Deadpool game.. It feels like a bad arcade expirience, not a Deadpool experience. Deadpool is my absolute favorite comic book character and i was really really looking forward to playing this game... Biggest gaming disappointment of this year for me

Also Gamespot.. Censoring my obscenities is bullshit.. -_- How can you make a game review without using the f-word?