Nice try from high moon...good but not great!
First of all, making a game about making a game can be considered innovative yet too risky. Like this game, there was no serious storyline so the game turned into a hollow beat'em up style action game. For people like me who skip the cutscenes mostly it was no big deal. It was wacky, it was fun, it was hilarious I can't deny, but as i said earlier it had flaws.
One of the major irritation factors in this game were the controls, it was confusing using a keyboard & mouse so imagine how hard it is using a game controller. there was too much buttons to use that can be shortened, like why would they make two teleporting buttons (long and short distance), or momentum attacks using shift+another button. And the worst of all is that you can't use the mouse wheel to cycle weapons, instead you have not one, not two, but three weapon cycle buttons from melee to firearms and thrown items. the firearms locking system is pretty much useless as well since the enemies are always on the move and you have to lock your targets at every single move, so as a gamer you're basically handicapped that wastes a lot of ammo!
Speaking of weapons, the weapon choice is not that good. For me i would remove the sais, the shotgun (it's crappy in this game), and all the thrown weapons. I am not sure why they put grenades and flashbombs in the game, they don't make that damage to the enemies even with upgrades, and the worst of all is that you get damage yourself if it blew close to you.
Another major setback in this game are the upgrades, they are basically not helping. I mean I pay for upgrades in 5-digit deadpool points sometimes even more, and the upgrades cannot be clearly recognized. Even though i get a lot of deadpool points but the game was too short i could not buy or unlock all the upgrades.
I might be biased on this one, but i think deadpool fans are much angrier. The game was fun but I was expected more from Activision and High moon.