Nice's not a game exactly. it's like a visual novel. But it's a nice change for someone who prefer other genre. Though I played it during day, I actually thought it's night outside. Nice soundtrack, which can be sold for meditation purposes and make big bucks. The level with cave had nice use of technology display.Sometimes colors were bright hurting my eyes.Still, I don't complain for the experience was breath taking. Sound effects such as wind blowing, were good.Still I don't like grandiloquent style of narrator. There were times when I did not understand the whole sentences and I don't like to look into a dictionary while playing a game.Many times I could not find the right path at the beginning leading to waste of time in sinking in sea. But overall it was a nice experience and one should have it .It's has no replayability but I really miss the experience and will replay it again when I get the chance. The game can be completed within two hours.
When you first start playing this game, you wonder what, exactly happened on this island. Soon after however, you really stop caring as long you are prodded along a tram-like line throughout the game. The narrator occa... Read Full Review
Dear Esther begins with you on the shores of a desolate island overlooking the coast as waves caress the rocks. An abandoned lighthouse is only a few steps away, and this is where your journey begins. It's a journey full... Read Full Review