Since the PSP has no right analog stick, it isn't fair to compare Death Jr. to a PS2 game. It is fair, however, to compare it to a standard Mario-esque platformer, which is where it walks the thin line of comedy and mediocrity. The controls are great, with holding the R-button to lock on and the circle button to shoot. It's not the controls where this game falls, but the lack of platforming, lack of multiplayer, and short story that hold back this otherwise great platformer back. The bad news is that Death Jr. is an extreme portable rip-off of the excellent Ratchet & Clank series. The good news is that Ratchet & Clank is a good series to rip off, what with the more button-mash friendly gameplay that Death Jr. gives to 10-year-olds that own a PSP. While Death Jr. has good controls and funny weapons, the short story and lack of platforming hold it back to a rental status. Death Jr. lacks the right amount of depth compared to games like Psychonauts to draw many gamers in, fans of the comic or not.
Death JR. starts like a good game after 2 hours it gets . Death Jr is good characters to do a great game but they ruin every thing.The gameplay is solid because they variaty of weapon.Everything else is not good.The gra... Read Full Review
i like this game but not as good as i thought i would. The graphics look like playstation one graphics, the game play is okay, the sound SUCKS. all in all just rent it. the difficulty is way too hard. the game shouldn'... Read Full Review