Death to spy is one of the best stealth game on the market. If you are a fan of Hitman, go get it
The stealth element is deep, thanks to the fact that you can take ennemy uniform. The only problem I have with that, is that it's kinda hard to know what uniform are the best to take without a good knownledge of German uniform during ww2.
I really like the way the game is open to you. Instead of taking you by the hand, the game litterally throw you in a really big (and well detailled map), give you a bunch of objective, then go sit on the side and watch you.
The graphics are really cool. Everything is well detailled and the attention to detail is exquisite
The sound is somewhat absent, but it adds to the immersion. There is more vocie acting this time, but the game is still lacking in that department, probably for budget reason since this has been made by a very small company.
Value: Well this game will last you a really long amount of time. Mainly because you will hit the quicksave*quickload many times. There is definatly 30-40 hours of game time in this game and for 20$, this is a real steal