Hilariously broken!
I'm going to skip the parts about how this game is frustrating an super challenging, and instead talk about some funny bugs, cause we all love that!
So, in the first mission, I was tasked to capture a pilot. The game never tells you how you are supposed to do this. I guess I'm supposed to smack a pilot in the face and steal his clothes, thus leaving him to lay around in his underwear and have people laugh at him, like the morning after a keg party gone too far. I say I guess that's what the objective was about, because I didn't even get so far. In fact, I failed the mission after only 10 seconds when I stepped on a landmine. Fun!
Anyway, I decided to just derp around with the console for a while and give myself god mode. Now the hundreds of landmines and subsequent hundreds of guards on the map could do nothing to stop me, muhahaha! Seriously, there were more guards than trees on the map, and you are playing in a forest. It's ridiculous.
So, after I had performed Nazi-genocide in the camp's kitchen, I set out looking for a pilot to knock down. Shooting enemies in the body means you can't wear their clothes (those stains are impossible to get out!) so I shot him in the face instead. For some reason, I still couldn't pick up his clothes. Maybe he was shy or something?
Instead, I figured I would just reload my quick save to before I shot him in the face and knock him out with my fists of love instead. Now here's the fun part: when quick loading, you just load the exact same position as you were in when you quick loaded. Meaning it does nothing, it just shows you the load screen, and then puts you back to where you were. Maybe you are only supposed to be able to quick load when you die or something? Anyway, this meant I couldn't pick up his clothes, and was forced to continue my quest elsewhere.
"Ahaa!", I exclaimed, having spotted another unsullied pilot, and then proceeded to whack him in the face. Or so I thought, as the game had played coy with me - with the reloading of my non-functioning quick save, I had completely lost the ability to do anything other than walking with my character! I could not aim, shoot, or use the "use" key any more. Damn you game, you got me good! I immediately sought asssistance on the internet, hoping for some clever scholar to have a solution to the problem, or at least some funny antics to share with me in my agony. Alas, I did not find it.
And then the game crashed.
So ends my story of Death to Spies, a fundamentally flawed game of much delight, which I wholeheartedly recommend. Just make sure you huff large quantities of gasoline first.