A beautifull looking game with a lot of hacking & smashing... OH! And HUMOR
I got shocked by the hilarious comments that deathspank fires out of his big mouth. I can actually see this more like a comedy.
The view of the world is open and awesome-looking, the enemies a just where they should be and the quest fits the world very well.
SOUND: 10/10
All the voices in the game was just a lot of pluses.
Soundtracks fits the game very well.
The rest of the sound like creeps and sound of the nature is quiet good too but not as good as the voices.
Not much glitches to be that type of game and to be EA (Suck you ea!)
Good controles, nice fighting scenes, funny quest, good humor.
Not that good menu and inventory system when the inventory always being full.
Many of the quests are sort of like a puzzle, so you have to collect, combine and find out a couple'o things in some cases.
GRAPHICS: 6.5/10
OK! i guess. Normal to be a PSN/XLB title, but kinda bad to be a 2010 game.
Cool world and nature makes the graphic more funny.
STORY: 7/10
Pretty plain just as the borderlands story. Like you have a goal to find something and that's how it is until the end (with some exceptions in the midle of the game)
Still funny though!