Quick and Dirty
Though not terribly difficult, this game is fast-paced fun, and highly entertaining. It has its "what the?" moments, as well as its moments that have you in stitches. Some of the dialogs are obvious and have the "see it coming" feel, but most are just plain funny. I rarely scroll through entire dialogs, but I found myself wanting to go through all of the choices on many occasions.
The RPG aspect of the game is very mild. While the reviewer in the video said you eventually get all of the cards, he wasn't accurate. I wasn't able to upgrade everything, but he was right in that it's basically what do you want to upgrade first. The amount of gear is large, but mainly it's just "use best item" all the way through and sell everything else. I had almost no need for all the potions, and I only used them on occasion for fun, or for a couple of the tougher boss fights.
The story is funny, it's easy to get into, and doesn't take much thinking. I play all kinds of games, and this was a nice break from the terribly difficult, or thinking that is involved in most of our games today. It's just about having fun, hacking and slashing, and using a boot on an axe to pound greems into submission.
I have issues with some of the quests, they were just plain boring and dumb after the third or fourth gather. I'll say the tree and orphan Annie being the most ridiculous, but apart from that, most were rewarding and I loved seeings the new lands.
The ending was rewarding, the gameplay fun, and the re-playability so-so. I played this mainly in co-op with my 6 year-old son. He had a blast playing as the sidekick wizard. It was fun to play a game with him in co-op, most games aren't like this anymore. He had fun using his fire and magic missiles. He did quite well, and was a big help in making the game more enjoyable for us both. Some of the quests he found funny, and others he didn't understand (which is to be expected, thank goodness, lol).
All in all, anyone who likes RPGs (mildly RPG), and hack-n-slash adventure games should pick this up, it's just fun.