I am glad that I didn't buy - or - rent this game.
Wii Sports has better entertainment value than this ...game. Read game reviews on this game to tell you what it can do and what it is about.
What I experianced:
I am over spending time with the family when this game was brought to our attention. The owner of the game pops it into the wii system and was loaded up. The navigation thru the game was horriable. The controls were super sensitive, to the point where there was no control - whether it be the basketball to the kart racing... the characters were all over the place. The controller was being constantly being swapped in and out with the nunchuck.
An actually statement from the owner of the game from owning the game for just 5 minutes stated "Why did I buy this game? This game is junk. I just bought this and I thought I was getting something like Wii Sports. This is junk."
All that I can say is that I am glad that I don't own this game. I am also glad that experiance this game so that I know next time not to play it.