DX3 is a solid remake of DX and Space Invaders. Frenetic Speed and Power are great, but lacks contemporary presentation
Xona Games do bedroom devs proud with their fervent dedication to clas*sic arcade games like Space Invaders. DX3, the remake of Decimation X, goes a long ways towards making the original Space Invaders feel fresh again. Designed with the original graphics in mind, DX3 turns it's attention to speeding up the gameplay. In fact, speed and power are both key components of DX3, with the descending sprites entering turbo speed when their friends are whittled down, and power-ups falling like candy to get you into hyper-blast mode. While DX3 doesn't seem to vastly change any gameplay, the screen does look marginally larger (making the action easier to comprehend) and in particular boss-fights ever few levels help to change things up a tad. If you liked the original Space Invaders, or even if you sadly never played it, DX3 is a worthy remake that's worth your scant 80 MS points. While the up-tempo trans music keeps things feeling alive, I will say that the impetus on retaining the retro look still feels out of date to me. Whereas Radiangames has updated the play and the overall presentation of the game, DX3 has attempted to stay true to the original but ramp up the core gameplay. So it probably depends on what you're looking for. Still Decimation X3 is a solid remake of the original, and worth playing.