Deep Labyrinth is really a fun game, there are a FEW problems though.

User Rating: 7.7 | Deep Labyrinth DS
Deep Labyrinth is a true hack n' slash game. Ill start quick with the problems; first and most important, the controls, the controls arent actually all that bad, the only lil bad part is when you are trying to move diagonly, it sometimes gets hard or kinda buggish i really dont know how to explain it, and sometimes you have to go through an area, and there is a person to the side, and then you cant go through because that person on the side is there, and you have to try like 5 times and then you finally make it. And the second is the graphics, DS could have done better with graphics, but over all, its still fine, and you can tell whats what. Overall though, the game is fun and exciting, and also, there are 2 scenerios :D.