Decent graphics. Not enough weapon loadouts. Weak variety of 'attractants'. Sometimes go all map and see no deer.
The graphics did not suck for 2004. They do for today. I can put up with the graphics because I know it is a 'vintage' game. ((lol)) I like the open gameplay. I have a time limit and I can get 2 bucks and a doe/young buck. You get some weapons to choose from, a piece of hardware, and some 'attractants'.
The guns are OK. I don't know how to use the shotgun, tho. I have never gotten close enough to a deer to be very effective with it. They come close enough, but I have never 'snuck up on one'. I have tried, but... The attractants are clumsy at best, as is the hardware. Setting up the "high up hider" or the camoflauged blind is very awkward; easy but kinda dumb. And the ATV is basically a terrible choice. It seems every time I use the ATV, the deer hear me coming and I only see them way off or they leave and I never see them.
The shooting is good. i love that tracking your prey is in the game, but it does take a very long time to become a decent tracker, and tracking becomes about the only score that matters. I also like to see the images of the deer holding in a small herd, often with the male just up the hill, wathcing over the group. Some of the imagery is pretty cool. There were never enough maps, but there are some user-made maps that are very worthy downloads for this ancient title.
No one will buy a new copy of this, but it certainly was a very worthy title. It leaves me wishing for a continued franchise.