A Weird yet Satisfying Experience
I came across a strange game on IGN.com as a free download to subscribers
DEER HUNTER 2004, Graphics look ok and its was Multiplayer to boot, so I could play it with my bro.
We download the game and to my surprise it was good in a red neck kinda way.
Me and my bro set off hunting. Armed with some of the funniest weapons know to man ( A seat you can put high in a tree, Buck noise maker and Deer nut sack juice), we started bagging Deer after just 15mins.
I wouldn't recommend you buy this game but if the chance arises to get it free do it.
Big maps and big guns and everyone who hates Bambi as much as me could vent years of anger killing everything from Baby Deer to Big Bucks. You also get a trophy room to keep all your best Kill. With the kill shot that took it down.
don't expect a fast action game :)
If you do play this game get really drunk or Stoned before hand
I give it 7-10 just because you will never play such a strange and unique game