Best Deer Hunter in the series, but what's best about it is the overall improvement since Deer Hunter 5.
User Rating: 9.1 | Deer Hunter 2004 PC
Many fans of the series didn't see too much change in the first 5 games. Each new edition improved a little on graphics, but much of what we came to expect was always there. It wasn't until Deer Hunter 5 when players were able to hunt more than just deer. You could also kill cougars, wolves, bears, elk, etc. That was the last game for that company working with Atari. I'm unsure of who the new company is that has taken over, but their first title: Deer Hunter 2003 took away some of the freedom from Deer Hunter 5, and included a kind of clunky gamesplay. Well, now we've got Deer Hunter 2004, which has improved on everything. The only thing I feel is missing from this Deer Hunter 2004, is the continued lack of ability to take any trophy you wish. You can find other animals roaming around, but if you shoot them, don't expect to take their heads home with ya. In Deer Hunter 2004, it's all about the deer. The Gameplay is all there. If you enjoyed the movement of Deer Hunter 5, then you'll love Deer Hunter 2004. It managed to retain all of the unique abilities, and improve on newer ones. One example, is the ability to easily maneuver around in the 3rd person view, as well as easier hot keys for your side-arm, which Deer Hunter 5 didn't have. The graphics are better than ever. Now we have rounded trees, whereas in Deer Hunter 5 you would see tree trunks that were in the shapes of triangles. Nothing is smeared. When you walk through the forest, you actually feel as though you're there. The water is spectacular as well. The visuals of the water I would compare to Far Cry or Morrowind. It really creates an atmosphere that is unmistakable. The sound isn't terrible or great. It's basically the same loop we've been hearing since the original days of Deer Hunter. It serves it's purpose, so you'll get no complaints out of me. So, when it comes down to it, Deer Hunter 2004 is the top of the line for hunting games. It's pretty difficult to imagine any hunter/gamer being disappointed with this title.