A great hunting game and a nice step for the franchise, but lacks some previous features.
User Rating: 9 | Deer Hunter Tournament PC
This is a great hunting game and a nice step for the Deer Hunter franchise, but it lacks some features from DH2005 like attractant sprays and you don't get to set up your own concealments there set up for you when you enter the map. These things are minor, and you'll probably forget about them being annoying. Instead you have different animal calls like the predator call (for bear and mountain lion), the elk bugle and elk cow call (for elk...DUH), and the same assortment of deer calls from DH2005. The calls sound really stupid compared to what they sounded like in DH2005, but that's really just minor like the other bad changes. There are some good changes as well. The graphics look a heck of a lot better than the previous game, the theme song is really good unlike the hilbilly hoedown (and no hoedown dosen't mean your sister got shot) song from DH2005. The new animals also make hunting more fun. If you don't see the trophy buck by the end of the hunt, shot the trophy moose right in front of you. The new animals are as follows, Big Horned sheep, Mountain Goat, Moose, Elk, Bear, Mountain Lion, Turkey, and the rare Metal Deer Solid :O. There is one other con i forgot to mention. You can only tag one animal of each species per hunt. The way your bag limit works is you have one tag for every species in the area that you can hunt, but since there are new animals to hunt this really isn't a problem. Just don't shot the first buck you see. The new tournament mode is how you grab bragging rights unlike the previous game where it was the average of your past 100 trophies. The more tournament you compete in the more points you get. Tournaments are a lot of fun although I usally see a WR (world record for you uh... challenged people) moose when I'm hunting in a Mule Deer tounament, but thats just me. There are also a lot more maps to choose from in this game from all over the world, and not just the USA. So as you can see, there are way more pros than cons to this game. Get out and buy it so we can get out of this economic depression!
P.S. This is my first real reveiw so I know it kinda sucks.