Best Wrestling Game since the N64 games

User Rating: 8.9 | Def Jam: Fight for NY XBOX
Let me get right to the point contrasing the games no fooling around nonsense, and right to the point action. So let me tell you where the ranks overall. Best wrestling game since No mercy / Wrestlemania 2000, but no quite as magical as Soul Calibar. All in all, its a very good game. A lot of criticizm was followed by the release of the game, critics saying that it would be a dissapointment considering the previous game was just ok, and maybe would be over-run by the hip-hop influence.

This game has the best wrestling gamestyle out there right now. FOr your fighter you can choose several different wrestling stances and styles. From fighters, to technical grapplers, to submissioners. And the specials are reaaaly amazing too. Tons of replay hours for you and your friends to play, and you will love it trust me. The soundtrack is excellent as expected with great hip hop and rap beats fresh from the streets.

Check this game out!! Its oooffff the hoooook! Great game, believe the hype. A wide array of wrestlers / hip hop artists for you to choose from, classic tunes from your favourite aritists...what more could you ask for. One of my favourite games for the Sexbox, surprisingly. :)