Great figthing game but some rappers sing to def jam missing
User Rating: 8.9 | Def Jam: Fight for NY XBOX
Hang on to your seat this is one of the best urban culture related games ive ever played my god this game is suprinsngly great and their a lot of rappers/actors /chicks to beat up .the game offer some great amazingly addictive violent moves just plain dirty but so addictive .The game is round up over a great story mode with great v.o. of your favorite artist sing to def jam records and good other talent like dany tréjo and the great looking carmen electra . Plus you got a pretty good o.s. wrap up sing def jam .Finally this game is for everybody who is looking for violence,cursing ,urban vibe,chick and figthing in a game you got to check it out . Ea keep doing **** like this with a longer story mode