the game is too hard....

User Rating: 5.5 | Def Jam: Icon X360
after not playing the first one and loving fight for NY I figured, hey might as well try icon. It must be better than the last game....i was wrong. First off the controls are a daunting task to master and even then they are hard to use. I bought the game and it sat in my collection for about 2-3 months before i picked it u again and tried to learn it. I ended up liking it. I played it for at least 5-6 hours straight before it started to get hard to the point where i wanted to break the controller. to make it short-good game bad controls and combat system. The computer is overly powerful and know everything your going to do because the delay between the button press and action is so long. the only way to win is by luck. Other than that the story is great and the customization is better than NY.