What happened?
The controls on this game sucks, the game play sucks, the only thing that was good about it , was the graphics. Waste of money and a Waste of time. Can we really call this a interactive fighting game?
It doesn't even have a free for all anymore, no 4 players, and no Co - op battles (2 vs 2). I found this revolting. The only thing that they had going was the versus , and the solo and they even managed to screw that up because they don't even have as much characters to pick in the multi-player. In other Fighting games they have at least 3 or more options in the multi-player category that could get you interactive and addicted to the game.
The def jam fight for New York had a bunch of awesomeness packed in it such as the story, game play , controls , people , techniques, knock- outs , and even the good multi-player options that you could choose from. Def jam vendetta was also better then this junk , those are the only two def jam games that live up to there maker, but this one was very disappointing in every way.
Didn't really like the story as much as fight for NY or vendetta but , i got to admit the story wasn't that bad. But still if they wanted to make a better story they probably could.
Difficulty :
The difficulty on this game was hard because the people you play are slow and you have to make sure to dodge the blows by diving around like a parana. There are areas that have hazard zones.
You gotta watch out that the person doesn't throw you into a hazard area because u get smashed, flinged , sonic boomed , And even crushed by a parliament building! well maybe not by a building but being hit by a building would be pretty funny and amusing. If you get grappled theres like a 88.8 % chance of not getting thrown and if you get grappled and thrown your best bet is that the computer is trying to throw you into a hazard zone.
Well thats my statement and conclusion on this game and my 1st review Ever! Hoped you guys liked it and please don't buy this game. This is for your own good.