Solid Game . Rap music fans .
The idea of story mode is that your a hip hop baller on the streets of some un-named city. You get in a tussle with some cri-ps and start a lot of be-ef surrounding your music signings and your girlfriend. Achievements can be unlocked on all these elements mentioned so far.
The fighting it self is solid, well thought out and you will have to fight certain opponents in order to work out their weaknesses and choose your fighting style to defeat them and carry on with the story. There are 3 fighting styles to start with, and you will unlock more as your progress and back your enemies down.
The other element is to sign guys on to your record label, invest capitol into their ventures and try to gain a profit. There is nothing too much to this and you can probably get the Platinum achievement after a couple of weeks.
The fighting is probably the most difficult part of the game, as well as trying to have as many girls simultaneously to unlock and achievement.
I enjoyed the game, but I saw and appreciated the time and effort put into the design of the game with the selection of characters. I can only imagine people who dislike hiphop will be put of by this game immediately. Unfortunately they would be right, there is very little to hold them much more than an hour or so if you don't like the music. If you do love hip hop this would be a good buy.