This game was AWESOME! It was just like Fight for NY, only it had a way better storyline!
User Rating: 9 | Def Jam: Icon X360
This game was amazing! It is really fun! It is soooo adicting I mean I turned it on played it and got really far but realized I had been playing it for like 4 hours! I definately like the clothing store better in Fight for NY, it just seemed more LAME in Icon! Also I found the tatoo shop to not be as cool, like when you wanted a chest or back tatoo it would only cover a little bit of the back or chest, but in NY it covered the WHOLE thing! I seemed to like the jewelry the same amount as I did in Fight for NY! Now about the jewelry, the only reason this game got a 9 on graphics was because the dudes chain got stuck inside his chest, it was a graphic problem that bugged me greatly, but other than that I loved the graphics! I loved the music on the game but the only thing is that is was EXTREMLEY explicit and my parents HATE to hear foul language from a video game they think that it is totally unnecisary in video games if it is even necisary at all. I did love the fighting in this game but it was basicly the same as Fight for NY! The only thing I absolutely hated about the fighting was the LAME thing that you could do with the music, I just did not understand that so it really made me MAD! BUt over all I really recomend this game!