Innovative, simple and entertaining. Defcon represents game designers who think outside the box.

User Rating: 7.5 | DEFCON: Everybody Dies PC
Despite not liking any of Introversions previous titles such as Darwinina. Defcon is innovative and fun. After only recently becoming aware of the game, i instantly pre-ordered after i saw the screenshots and video's. Perhaps it was nostalgia for the 80's movie War Games, but i just couldn't say no to world map like Defcons, the blue-ness, the....coolness!

Defcon, for it's price, is brilliant. Although it appears to my very simple, as you play through, you become aware of the intricate strategy that is involved. Where do i position my nuclear subs? which silo's should remain Anti-missle? All these questions, and more, plague the mind of the gamer, eager to nuke south asia to hell and back.

Defcon looks great, the 80's style blue tinted world map is a pleasure to look at and the units suit the games style and work well with the map. The single player is varied in many ways, you can change the number of continents each team starts with, you can change the gamemode, how many players you want to go up against. The first game i played was against 5 CPU's, and after the timer reached defcon 1, well lets just say watching Star Wars Revenge of the sith was relaxing in comparison. However i really did enjoy having the traditional N.America VS. Russia conflict, and much to my distaste, Russia won.

The multiplayer is easily accesible as when you create a new game, it automatically becomes shown on the internet server browser which enables easy access to your friends games.

The sound featured in Defcon is very....appropriate. Dull music with the occasion womens scream when you nuke a city, it's depressing, yet accurate. It almost makes you feel guilty for launcing 3 nukes at Paris. But then again, it is France.

The only downside to Defcon is that after playing for a few weeks, it could be quite repetitive, and although the content is fun, there isn't all that much of it, and the strategy involved could become quite boring. However, for the £10 ($15) pricetag, it's well worth it.

So for a month of thermonuclear goodness, download and play Defcon now. It's cheap, it's simple and it's fun. Buy this game now!