Defender is a cheap (but hard) fun game for your 360 for any old school fan of games.
Plot: Defender is much like the game Atari came out with a long time ago call Jeep Command. You are a pilot in space and are trying to stop a bunch of aliens on the planet from abducting the dudes on the surface. Why they are there. I don't know. I mean. How stupid can you be to wander around while a huge fatty army of aliens and bombs are coming down. Yet they just wander around like nothings happening. So thats your job. Protect the dudes and kill and the enemies in the process and well yeah thats about it.
Game play: Like most old coin op classics, Defender makes you move around up,down,left, and right, through a board that goes left or right. You have to shoot the aliens and the many other god awfull things in the games with your cannon on your ship/rocket. You have to move around a lot since the dudes seem to be very stupid and get captured fast and you shoot the ship, catch the guy, and fly him to the ground for some points just so he can do the same thing again! lol. Yes. Luckily you do get the all so cleverly named smart bomb. This is your main thing you want to use sparingly and if your haven't guessed already it kills all enemies on the screen in your way. Man. Those dudes must be really pumped to survive that kind of blast. Either that or their on steroids. So saving the dudes. Not a big deal right? I can just shoot them! Cool! They explode in a fiery mess! Sweet! Wait? What this? The planet exploded! Oh man! I'm in space! AHHH!!! Lots of dudes! No more smart bombs! NO! I died! Thats what happens if you don't save the guys. Other than that the game couldn't be any simpilar. And yes there is a hyper warp button but that usually results you dying by warping into a dude.
Sound: Well . The game sounds like it was made by Atari and not Midway. Hey. It's alright and it sounds like something you would expect from the old days of the 90's and arcades.
Audio: Other than the neat little intro song and the noise when you save a guy onto the ground, there really isn't much music at all in the game but at lest it's decent and the thats what a 360's memory unit is for.
Conclusion: Despite the low 5$ price and the incredible difficulty even though your can change it a lot. Defender is a great addition to your 360 arcade place.