Not bad for a standard RPG adventure

User Rating: 7.1 | Sadam Crusader: Harukanaru Oukoku GG
Let me start off by saying that Defenders of Oasis is tough. Very tough. It is certainly one of the more difficult RPGs one will encounter if they partake in old-school gaming on the Gamegear and other older systems and hand helds. The graphics are good enough for a hand held, having still enemies like older versions of the Final Fantasy series and a group of party members with varying abilities. The story is ok, you won't get sucked in, but it is serviceable for the title. The sound and music is not great, and the game comes off as a very by the book RPG. Standard stuff, I can't stress enough, but one of the better games for the Gamegear, I do recommend picking it up if you can find it.