Spectacular Defense Game ... I was smiling all the way to the end...

User Rating: 8 | Defense Grid: The Awakening PC
My very first defense grid game and I loved it. Im very impressed by the simplicity and straightforward tactic. You basically have maps you have to protect from aliens stealing the cores and all you have to do is defend it by all means necessary. The gameplay sounds and looks straightforward but it is not. As you progress in the game, the map gets bigger and you need to find a strategy.

The best way I defended my cores was to make the aliens run around and also slow them down while they find a path to the core. Creating a long path for them while placing traps was the best way for me and probably for some people too. Traps range from simple turrets to very powerful cannons which was my best and these can be upgraded to level 3 with powerful consequences. The first is green, when you upgrade to another gun level, it turns yellow then finally to red.

Defense grid has a lot of enemies you have to kill and it is sooooo fun. Some enemies have shield and can cover the others. Other enemies can cloak themselves so you have to figure out how to uncloak them. There is so much more to the game if you play it. The game also includes other modes of play after completing the story. There is story challenge, practice, limits to the amount of resource when you start, etc.

The presentation fits the game and it is beautiful to look at and the aliens look varied from afar and the guns, and landsscape look good too. The sore part is the sound which would have been better but it will not distract anyone from this awesome gameplay

Presentation: 8.0
Gameplay: 9.0
Sound: 7.0
Battles: 8.0

My first defense grid game has been a blast. If you read thisand you are wondering should i buy it? I would say YES and the fact that this is my first Defense game should sway you even more because I love it.