Well it has some issues but nothing major and am sure some more patches will fix the problems. This is one of them games where once you start playing you can't stop. I enjoy the fact that its an mmo as I have it on the ps3. There's loads to do and explore you find yourself under attack all the time but there's always players to lend a hand and trust me you need it. The campaign is good but I find myself having to much fun doing other things. The menus and upgrading can be confusing but with time I think I will get use to it. This game is a must buy for everyone. As you've probably heard the tv show starts next week and ties in with the game. This will mean that extra content will be added to the game as the tv show rolls out. Apparently this game will constantly update will new things eg missions/guns etc etc witch makes the game a best buy for £42.00.
Just go play it already, this game has just enough that it should keep mostly anyone entertained. If you thought DCU was even the slightest bit fun you will LOVE this game. It's easy to pick up mechanic and ability to ea... Read Full Review
I'll be quick : most of the arguments in the "professional" reviews are just not right at best. You'll see "bugs, bugs, and bugs" but it's far from the truth. Occasionnally you'll be kicked from the server, but it happen... Read Full Review