Well its not the best best, but at least its fresh...
Apocalyptic scenario, lots of different guns, vending machines, ATV's, Buggies and four different classes, i cant help it on finding this game somehow a borderland lookalike.
But is it a copy??? No, the story is good, at least so far, the game play could be better but its giving its first steps so i believe they will polish that eventually. The world is rich, well decorated with well made and well placed props. The fast paced action is a relief too, big boss fights and lots of pvp grounds.
I really liked the game, its different from all those mages and warriors mmo's and for a sci fi game its really great.
Although i liked it, I believe its not worth the 65$, but if you are into 3rd person shooter and sci fi kind games, i almost can guarantee you will enjoy it a lot.