An amazing game, even by today's standards
User Rating: 8.6 | Delta Force 2 PC
Delta Force 2 is a six year old game created by Novalogic. At the time it was a great game. It gave you smart team mates that could take care of themselves and had a huge online fan base. Today it's still a good game and at off-peak times there are usually about a hundred people playing. Not bad for a six year old game. The singleplayer campaigns are a good place to warm up before you go online. They are challening missions but sometimes you get a bit frustrated because the only thing stopping you from completing a mission was some enemy who wasn't where he was supposed to be. As a follow-up from the original DF, the single player is a great improvement. Graphics wise, it's dated yes but that shouldn't stop you from buying it. Look at HL. Those graphics are pretty rubbish by today's standards, but you still get people playing it and it's expansion packs. The sounds of everything are good. From chat between you and your team-mates to the sound of the enemy dying. Very realistic in my opinion. Now to the multiplayer side of things. Nova recently added two more servers to its list so it shows they still take care of their old games. DF2 doesn't allow you to have Nova-hosted stats but your character in the game has a basic kills, deaths, games won stats on the 'Choose Character' screen. I don't play in Nova servers because too many cheats are there and it gets boring having someone wall hack through a wall and knife you. Instead i turn to the public servers and there are some pretty good ones there which are dedicated and some have language filters so you can be sure that whoever is playing the game won't be seeing any of that whilst they're shooting people in thehead. ;-) All in all, it's a good game where the multiplayer is better than the single player but not by much. Get it if you see it in the bargain bin somewhere, it'll be worth the 5 dollars/pounds/euros/whatever. Cheers.