Better than DF 1 but hardly close to a decent game
The graphics engine is the same as 3 years previous to it's release in 1999. The 1996 engine obviously degrades the graphics quality beyond redemption.
The AI for and against the player is also horrendous. The team members of the two most common teams - Alpha and Charlie are hopelessly lost. When I need them to draw away the enemy attention, they are not anywhere near to be seen and when I am stealthily creeping behind the enemy lines, they start firing at random alerting the enemy to my presence.
Old guns and Old terrorist costumes make the game look right out of a dress-as-you-like competition. However the campaigns are comparetively better than the previous game, but it hardly tries to be different.
So if you own Delta Force 1, then don't waste your money on buying this game. If you don't own any of them, even better don't waste your bucks on either of them. However if you have a 1996-1999 computer(10 years old PC) and you can't run a single damn game, then you can buy DF2.