Why did they even make this game?
For one, the game actually looks even worse. While I guess Novalogic should be sarcastically applauded for using more than one enemy model in this game (though all enemies are the same within a map), as in the previous one all enemies were the same model within the campaign, color altered or a hat added in the other campaigns. The difference between the clone army stretches across the world and the clones during the map, is that the enemy models in the first game were rendered better. By that I mean, you cannot see through the enemies in that game, whereas in this one their arms and torsos (as well as your own model when viewed from the 3rd person mode) are just floating.
In addition to this sloppiness/laziness, the disappearing act that enemies had in the first game is far worse in this game. By this I mean at a distance, the rendering quality of the enemies degrade to the point of being almost completely invisible, made worse if you use any weapon without a scope (which means stealth in this game is also gimped). So while you can crawl around in the new ghillie suit item in the newly added grass and remain relatively hidden ( a nice addition), you can either pick the only suppressed weapons in the game and literally never be able to see an enemy with the weapon's range or pick a loud scoped weapon but after you present yourself, stealth mechanics are gone. Now I understand that the reason for this is for multiplayer balance (a scoped, tracer-less, and silent weapon), but it is a silly show of Novalogic's laziness or making a single player only load out and maybe making any newer weapon models.
The gameplay is more or less the same, shoot stupid enemies that run into walls, and avoid getting shot as one shot can potentially kill you. This was the strong point of the first game, the partial realism and need to avoid being shot, and the almost unlimited movement options you had in order to get to vantage points. So far from what I've seen (important words to be referenced in the following paragraphs), this ability has been hindered, obviously intentionally, with "impassible" terrain and how the bases are always more elevated than the surrounding areas. Good job Novaloggick removing the best part of the first game.
The voice acting in this game, something I don't think I mentioned from the first game, is horrendous. Granted the mission giver's voice during the briefings is passable, beyond that it's pretty bad. At least the enemies' voice are in something other than English.
Another somewhat good thing that this game does, is that there is far less random shooting from the opponents and both the enemy and your teammates are more accurate. Of course, this is partly a bad point because it is hard to return fire on an enemy you can't see very well.
Like I said, "From what I've seen," indicates I haven't beat the game. This is for two reasons: ONE) I already played this game, it was called Delta Force and it was slightly better and TWO) some missions I simply can't beat (and as a result, progress within the campaign). It isn't a matter or difficulty but rather a sign of poor programming as the mission I've been stuck on literally cannot be beat even though I am crawling inside the evac helicopter at the extraction point. Maybe one of the stupid programmers forgot to include the trigger to end the level. Maybe it's just a bug (that happens consistently), who knows.
With all that said, like the first game, this one looks like it might be kinda fun to play with or against other people, but good luck finding anyone.
If you want an old game attempting some vague flavor of realism, play the first one but don't have your hopes too high, it also is bad. Just not nearly as bad as this stinker.