I dont know why this got such bad reviews, it isnt that bad

User Rating: 7.8 | Delta Force: Black Hawk Down XBOX
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down was actually an alright game. I mean sure, the A.I was kinda off and the graphics were a little bit on the rusty side, but all in all, this game was pretty good.

For one thing, the sound is not as ALL bad as people made it out to be. All of the guns sounds realistic and peoples voices are nicely done. You can hear everything between land mines and your shoes crunching on the ground. I mean sure, it has a couple flaws and glitches every now and then, but nothing to major.

I agree, the graphics could have been much better, but they were alright for what they were aiming for. Everything looks relatively good, and nothing is a big blob or anything, so i guess they succeeded with that. I mean sure, there are some flaws like how some people look and how some of the vehicles look, but oh well.

The gameplay is actually fun. The only thing i would change would be the map, there really isnt one to begin with. But you can go one many different kinds of missions, and many different levels.

Overall, this game is not as bad as some people say, give it a try and rent it first, and then you can decide for yourself what you think.