An unspectaculer romp worth only the time your not playing other, better, FPS's.
After the visual shock you may begin to play the game. Some of you may weep slightly at this point as well, I know I did, because you find that the gameplay is not only unforgiving but basic in the same way playing Wolfenstien 3D today would be. It is a simple clear the room/path affair. Your objectives make out as though your a soldier in the Gulf War telling you to 'retrieve this', 'clear out that' but it is all an excuse to shoot at generic looking enemies. The AI is the point where you begin fully fledged crying. The enemes either are shooting through walls, with remarkable accuracy, or running toward you shouting random abuse in an unknown dialect. There isnt much to say at this point, simply the AI is almost non existent.
The Point where the purchase becomes worthwhile is when you load up the Multiplayer portions. Specifically the Xbox Live/Online portion because offline it is 4 players only which isnt anywhere near enough to be fun. In multiplayer you play over maps, generally representing cities in the middle east, using mounted machine guns and Infantry 'tactics'. The game truly shines at this point as you and your comrades attempt to take the enemys spawn points and therefore win the match.
Online the graphics, textures and animations stay the same but somehow the addition of teammates who can actually think make this game enjoyable.
In short, if you dont have Xbox live dont even look at this game and even if you dont think hard about what other games are also available to buy. This game is alright in addition to others but alone?