team sabre is pretty good!it's mixed, some good points and some bad ones to!

User Rating: 7 | Delta Force: Black Hawk Down - Team Sabre PS2
team sabre is pretty good!the graphics are nothing special and the a.i is not good either but it's not bad, really easy though i completed it in two hours.

there's only eleven missions in total!all it is that it's another military shooter that's not really reallistic!not like some games e.g brothers in arms and call of duty 2 and 3 you'd expect late on in the playstations life there's no excuse for lame graphics ya know that with 360 games the graphics are brilliant and so's the sound.Because they create an atmosphere.

team sabre though has got some allright squad mechanics and weapons you know that it's the same with americas army the graphics are rubbish! and i think that it is an allright game but team sabre is better than americas army, americas army is a bit to slow paced in my opinion,team sabre is better for quick action!
gamespot rated americas army a 7.6 out of 10 and i think team sabre should a bit of a high score because it isn't that bad!because i think it is good.