An unbelievably disgusting, unprofessional and at times, even unplayable FPS masterpiece.

User Rating: 2 | Delta Force: Black Hawk Down - Team Sabre (White Label) PC
At the last Iran mission, the oil thing suddenly blew up without any reason. Mission failed.
At the last Iran mission, at an intense gunfight, my teammate died. ONE teammate. Mission failed. At a ceratin Columbian mission, I didn't really know what to do, so i went killing some enemies. I crossed the mission borders - or more specifically i wasn't supposed to go there YET - Mission failed.
This one is probably my favourite one: At the oilrig Iran mission, when i was rescuing a hostage, my teammates were following me. At one point i was apparently too fast for them so they couldn't keep up with me. They suddenly died (there were absolutely no enemies left), and -yes, you guessed it -Mission failed.

Is there anything else you need to know about this outrageously ugly (in content, not in look) expansion pack for a bad FPS?
Well let's see:

+I must say that the first two Iran missions are pretty fun.
+The explosions (which happen when you fire about four M16 rounds on a heavily armored technical) are simply AWESOME.
+The SAS British stereotype speech and accent is so horrid...It's almost funny. If it was in a better game, i would be laughing pretty hard right now. This game makes me forget how to laugh.

(-I could take an easy way out and say "Just about everything else" but i won't, since my fans deserve the best and most accurate reviews.)
-It's unbelievably broken and unpolished. Did you read the beginning of this review? Your missions will fail at any time, at any place, and most often without any legitimate reason or explanation why.
-DOES IT REALLY MATTER IF ONE OF YOUR dumb-as-a-rock TEAMMATES GOT KILLED? Why can't you let the player try to survive the thing on his own? In a real military operation, will you A) Shoot yourself if your mate dies because the situation is desperate (even when it's not) or will you B) Try to manage, because there might be a chance? The makers of this game chose A.
-I stated this in my original BLACKHAWKDOWN review, but I must remind you that the multiplayer mode of this game almost killed me. And i never even finished a full match. What does that say about the game?

Closing comments:
Unless you buy the awesome Delta Force 10th Anniversary pack, STAY FARAWAY FROM THIS DEVIL OF A GAME. DO NOT pay for this expansion, even if your best friend recommends it. Your friend is trying to screw you, don't trust him, Trust Me!