Arrggghhhh run away!

User Rating: 3.3 | Delta Force: Task Force Dagger PC
The developer Zombie should be ashamed of themselves, this game is a steaming pile of trash!

The graphics on Task Force Dagger are seriously out dated, it in fact looked exactly the same as Land Warrior. The game was released in 2002 and by that time we'd had games like Red Faction, Unreal II (yes I know it's crap but i'm trying to make a point), Return of Castle Wolfenstein, Serious Sam and the list keeps going.

The sound effects are completely average and aren't any improvement over the previous games.

AI AI AI or lack of. The AI in this game is as bad as Land Warrior and worse (if that were even possible). They still do stupid things such as keep trying to walk through walks, get stuck in walls, shoot through walls, automatically know you're in a certain place, shoot at walls, kill themselves. Even with all that your own team members join in and try their best to get you killed as well. On several occasions I had one of my team members kill me with a grenade in the face.

Task Force Dagger brings nothing really new to the series or the genre.
Do yourself a favour if you see it, immediately ask a sales assistant to seal off the area, remove the offending item, throw it in the bin and then decontaminate the area!